For members who are on strike
Members who are called out on strike have been notified of this by Unio. Here we have collected important information for those of you who have been called out on strike.

Forskerforbundet and Unio are on strike in the state sector from Friday 24 May.
Should I show up at work when the notice of strike comes?
No. If you have been called out on strike, you must not attend work.
I have already arrived at work when the notice of strike comes, what do I do?
If you are already at work when the notice of strike comes, you must stop work and leave the workplace.
Can I be given assignments when there is a strike?
As long as the strike is ongoing, you are obliged to take on tasks determined by the local strike committee. This can, for example, be as a strike guard, or taking part in joint events organized by the strike committee. You are at the strike committee's disposal during the time you would otherwise be at work.
How can I support the strike?
Among other things, you can be active on social media by spreading the strike message. You can also encourage your friends and colleagues to support the strike.
What happens to my employment when I am on strike?
During the entire strike, the employment relationship between you as an employee and your employer is suspended, and you are instead at the disposal of Unio.
Can I pick something up at work when I'm on strike?
No. You do not have access to your workplace during a strike, and you must be prepared to hand in keys, tools, cars, mobile phones, etc. which belongs to the employer.
Can I have contact with my employer?
Striking members should not normally have contact with the employer while they are on strike. Contact with the employer must be limited to the contact the local union representatives have about matters that exclusively concern the strike – for example applications for dispensations.
Could I lose money by being on strike?
Unio's main principle is that members who are called out on strike should be virtually financially indemnified. Strike contributions are tax-free according to the Taxation Act and should therefore in principle be compensation for loss of net salary. Strike contributions are paid by Forskerforbundet. As a general rule, the strike contribution will be paid from the month the employer implements the salary deduction.
Should you suffer a financial loss that exceeds NOK 100 per day, you can apply to Forskerforbundet to have the loss covered.
What happens to my salary?
Your salary will be stopped. The salary earned before the strike begins is paid. Salary advances are not paid. Holiday pay is earned salary and must be paid.
Can I get a dispensation?
If there is a need for dispensation from the strike, it is the employer who assesses the need first and, if necessary, submits an application to the local strike committee. The application is discussed locally and decided centrally. The dispensation applications will be processed continuously.
If you are allowed to carry out work after a dispensation, salary is paid in the usual way for the time the dispensation is granted.
What about the insurances I have through work?
Insurance arrangements will be taken care of by Unio while you are on strike.
I'm on sick leave when the strike starts or I get sick during the strike, what do I do?
If you are on sick leave before a work stoppage has been implemented, you must not be called out on strike. If you become ill during the strike, you must notify the local strike committee.
Can I take holiday, time off or flexitime during the strike?
Holiday is not granted during the period of the work stoppage. If you are already on holiday or have agreed a holiday before the notice of collective work stoppage, you can take the holiday as agreed. You cannot take time off or take flexitime during the strike.
Can I resign from my job during the strike?
As long as the strike lasts, you cannot individually resign from your position. Such termination can only take place when the strike has ended.
What about business trips and courses?
For business trips, courses etc. the employer's financial responsibility is waived from the moment the strike is launched – unless otherwise agreed between the local strike committee and the employer.
Can I take other work, take time off or travel during the strike?
If you have been called out on strike, you cannot take up other work or travel away. You must be available to the local strike committee at all times, so that you can be reached with messages about the progress of the strike.
You are at the strike committee's disposal during the time you would otherwise be at work. If you still have to have time off for compelling reasons during this time, you must apply to the union representative for leave from strike work.
When the strike is over, what happens?
When the strike is over, you are obliged to return to work quickly. You are entitled to return to your position and regain your rights as an employee.