
Working in Norway - Know your rights!

Are you a PhD or postdoctoral fellow and wonder what rights you have? Sign up for this webinar!

We will provide a brief introduction to the Norwegian working life and welfare model and the terms and conditions of employment as PhD and postdoc in Norway. We will also explain how salaries are set and negotiated, and give you some tips to improve your salary.

The webinar offers digital lectures and you get to speak with union representatives and experts on salaries and legal rights. You are welcome to join the different sections of your own choice.

  • Dato:

    18. oktober 2023

  • Tidspunkt:

    09:00 - 12:00

  • Sted:

    Zoom, WEBINAR

  • Påmeldingsfrist:

    17. oktober 2023

  • Antall plasser:


09.00 - 10.00 

Digital lectures on the working life and conditions of employment as PhD and postdoc in Norway


Take your time and watch these videos in your own pace and when you want to.
Make sure to note the things you did not get hold of or want us to elaborate. The Zoom room will be open from 9 PM if you need help with the videos or you want to start asking questions or add comments in the chat. There will be no further activity until 10 AM.

For all: The Nordic work and welfare model (13.20)

For PhD Candidates: PhD Candidate – know your rights (16.34)

For postdocs: Postdoc – know your rights (29.49)



10.00 - 10.10 

Forskerforbundet/The Norwegian Association of Researchers (NAR)


Short information on how NAR is organized, how we work and what we can do for you.
(By Jon Iddeng)



10.10 - 10.30 

Plenary Q/A on conditions of employment as PhD and postdoc


You will meet our legal expert and special advisor, ready to answer your questions and discuss conditions of employment for PhD, Postdocs and other research positions.
(By Hildur N. Nilssen and Balrin Kaur Bisal)



10.35 - 11.10 

Digital lectures on salaries and wage negotiations in Norway – state sector and beyond


You can watch this videos whenever you want to, but it will also be shown in plenary during this session: Salaries and how to raise them



11.10 - 11.30 

Plenary Q/A on salaries and negotiations


You will meet our salary expert and special advisor, ready to answer your questions and discuss wages, negotiations and how to raise your salary.



11.30 - 12.00 

Digital break-out rooms – meet your local union representative


Some of our local representatives from the large branches of NAR will be available in a break-out room to give you further information on how to reach them and book an appointment, the nature of the local union’s work, besides news and issues at stake.



Subject to change