
Pension in English

Are you curious to learn more about your pension? Join our webinar with Alexandra Plahte and Ruben Skilnand where they will teach you more about your pension!
This is a free webinar and is open to members from both the private and public sector.
In case you are unsure of what occupational pension scheme you belong to, contact your employer.
The course will be held in English.

We do not record our webinars.

  • Dato:

    08. mai 2025

  • Tidspunkt:

    12:00 - 15:00

  • Sted:

    Zoom, WEBINAR

  • Påmeldingsfrist:

    05. mai 2025

  • Antall plasser:


Pensions are in focus like never before and the need for information is almost inexhaustible.

The responsibility for own pension is to a far greater extent left to the individual. With increased responsibility, comes increased opportunities to be able to influence your own pension. The options are many and the wrong choice can be expensive.

The course combines law with economics and the theory in practice. In other words, the course is practically oriented and helps you find your way through the pension jungle. The course is based on the rules for occupational pension both in private and public sector.

Retirement pension form the National Insurance
Scheme (NAV)

• The Pension reform, the changes in The National Insurance Scheme
• What has changed and who is affected of what?
• Where can you find your numbers?
• Can you influence your pension from the National Insurance Scheme?

Pension Scheme trough work
• Briefly about occupational pension schemes in public sector
• Briefly about occupational pension schemes in private sector
• Where can you find your numbers?
• Can you influence the old-age pension you have through your work?

Contractual retirement pension scheme (AFP)
• Briefly about AFP in public sector
• Briefly about AFP in private sector
• Where can you find your own AFP numbers?
• Can you influence your AFP?

Brief about supplementary risk covers
Disability pension
• Disability pension from NAV
• Disability pension through work

Survivor's pension
• Survivor's pension from NAV
• Survivors's pension through work

Where can you find your own AFP numbers?
What about insurance/risk coverage?

Summary and questions

Speaker Image

Plathe and Skilnand

The course leader is Alexandra Plahte, head of Formue Pensjonsrådgivning AS. She will be assisted by Ruben Skilnand, Senior advior Pension. They are known for being able to communicate pension in an easy way and is often seen in the media.