Terms of membership

The following terms apply to membership in Forskerforbundet / the Norwegian Association of Researchers (NAR)

Your membership is valid until NAR receives your written resignation. Resignation of membership may be sent by e-mail to minside@forskerforbundet.no.

The NAR membership fee is usually deducted from your monthly salary. Each member is responsible for making sure that the correct amount is deducted, and for informing NAR of any irregularities. See our list of membership fees.

Upon resignation, the deduction of membership fee will be stopped as soon as is practically possible. Please allow for one months deduction of membership fee after resigning your membership.

Each member is responsible for informing NAR of any changes in his/her employment situation or any change of address. Please use 'Min side' to do so.

To qualify for membership in NAR, applicants must hold a scientific, administrative or other professional position that normally requires higher education. In addition, applicants must be employed in research and development, higher education, museums, cultural heritage institutions or public management related to research and higher education.

If you should later change employment to an employer outside NAR's field of work, your membership in NAR will be discontinued.

All new members will automatically join our basic life and disability insurance program. If you decide not to join the insurance program, you must sign a declaration and send it to the NAR insurance office. You will receive the appropriate declaration form as soon as we have registered your application for membership.

Our Privacy Statement (Norwegian only) explains how NAR collects, processes and secures your personal information.