Quality of research must be ensured through framework conditions and a broad public exchange of words about necessary path choices and priorities. The UN Sustainable Development Goals for 2030 highlight the need for holistic thinking and action in the face of societal challenges globally, nationally, and locally.

Long-term perspective in the research activities is necessary in order to be able to build good academic environments and increase the quality of the R&D work. Institutions throughout the research and knowledge sector must be provided with the necessary framework conditions so that knowledge workers have sufficient time and resources to conduct research, development work and professional renewal. Professional judgment and time for research and development work are under pressure for scientific staff in all sectors. Good administration and library services are a resource that contributes to increased quality in education and research.

R&D work must be seen in the light of a broad understanding of research quality that includes the distinctive character of each discipline and each institution. The tendency towards excessive use of quantitative indicators as a basis for resource allocation and recognition suggests a narrow and instrumental understanding of knowledge and quality.

Forskerforbundet will strive to ensure that:

  • The R&D work is assessed on the basis of a broad interpretation of research quality adapted to the individual subject area.
  • Professional staff with research assignments are guaranteed time for R&D.
  • Professors and associate professors in the higher education sector are assured an individual right and obligation to have their working hours equally divided between research and teaching/museum work etc., (50/50) when other duties are deducted.
  • Academic staff in other combined positions in all sectors is guaranteed at least 30 per cent of their working hours for R&D work.
  • Staff and students have access to updated and quality-assured scientific equipment and library resources as well as technical and administrative services with high competence and quality.
  • Professional employees in archives, libraries and museums are ensured better framework conditions for carrying out R&D work by giving all companies the opportunity to apply for research funding and partners, as well as ensuring access to collections, research literature and library resources.
  • The collections are preserved, made available and disseminated so that the most important basis and potential for research and knowledge development at the archives, libraries and museums is secured.