The goal of Forskerforbundet is a democratic working life with binding party cooperation and a high proportion of union members participating in decision-making processes at their own workplace. The goal is to strengthen real co-determination, which is challenged by constant restructuring, efficiency requirements, and governance and management models that leave neither time nor space for proper involvement of the union representatives. Co-determination contributes to better solutions for the employees and the enterprises. Local union representatives in the workplaces are a prerequisite for the Norwegian model of co-determination and party cooperation to function in practice.
In order to secure and maintain the legitimacy of the Norwegian model, it is a goal to maintain and increase the degree of unionization in Norwegian working life.
The work for a decent and democratic working life must extend beyond national borders. Globalization binds working life together across countries. It is a goal to strengthen international trade union work to safeguard fundamental workers' rights and promote democratic development globally.
Priority 2025–2027
Forskerforbundet shall work to strengthen and further develop workplace democracy and co-determination throughout the knowledge sector. |
Strengthened co-determination and participation
Forskerforbundet works to safeguard and strengthen co-determination. Co-determination according to the contractual framework must be evaluated and further developed at all levels. Forskerforbundet must work to ensure good framework conditions for union representatives to be able to carry out their duties. There is a need for more trust-based management of the knowledge sector with real co-determination and participation, less reporting and increased professional scope for action. Trust-based management and organization require cooperation between the parties with active and good involvement of union representatives. Forskerforbundet will ensure that its members have influence over their own tasks and everyday working life. At the universities and colleges, collegial bodies must be established or maintained at all levels, and the institutions themselves must be able to decide whether academic leaders are to be elected or employed.
Climate for expression
Forskerforbundet will work for a good climate for expression at each individual workplace in the entire knowledge sector. Employees' freedom of expression must be ensured, not only through legislation, but also through training and active cooperation between union representatives and management.
Increased degree of unionization
The Norwegian model must be safeguarded and further developed through a high degree of unionization and a competent apparatus of union representatives. This means that Forskerforbundet must strengthen its recruitment of new members. Extra effort is required to recruit and safeguard employees with a foreign background. Forskerforbundet must contribute to increasing this group's knowledge of Norwegian working life, the Norwegian working life model, and their own employee rights.
Organizational development
In order for Forskerforbundet to be an effective and impactful organization, the central levels, local branches, professional networks, and student association must all work towards the same goals, and all levels must cooperate closely to promote members’ interests. Forskerforbundet will work for increased recognition of the role of union representatives and facilitate good recruitment for the position. Support and training for local union representatives must be of high quality and cover all member groups and tasks.
Alliances and international cooperation
Political advocacy work will be strengthened through alliance building and cooperation with other actors. A decent working life is one of the UN's sustainability goals, and implies that employee rights must be secured and safeguarded both nationally and internationally. Through cooperation in Unio and cooperation with Nordic sister organizations and Education International, Forskerforbundet will actively work for a decent working life, equality and diversity, knowledge-based sustainable social development, and social security.