Zoom meeting: Science Ombuds in Germany
Academic Forum at University of Oslo invite you to the open zoom meeting: Science ombuds in Germany: preventing and resolving breaches of research integrity and scientific misconduct.
Date and time:
Tuesday February 23 2021, kl. 15.30 - 17.10
Zoom meeting (link in pdf)
Event Invitation (pdf)
15.30: Welcome by Johan F. Storm, Academic Forum
15.33: Prof. Knut Ruyter, The Science Ombud, University of Oslo, Introducing the speakers
15.40: Dr. Hjørdis Czesnik, German Research Ombudsman, National Office, Berlin:
Supporting researchers in cases of conflict. How science ombuds prevent and resolve cases of scientific misconduct.
16.10: Helga Nolte, Science Ombud at the University of Hamburg:
Experiences of a local science ombud and the work to prevent and resolve conflicts and breaches of integrity in research supporting researchers in cases of conflict.
16.40 - 17.10: Discussion

Prof. Knut Ruyter, Science Ombud at the University of Oslo. The Science Ombud is an independent and impartial authority for all academic staff at the University of Oslo, for issues and disputes concerning good scientific practice, research integrity and research ethics.
Dr. Hjördis Czesnick, German Research Ombudsman, National Office, Berlin (Ombudsman für die Wissenschaf). Dr. Czesnick is the head of the national secretariate serving the national Ombudsman Committee (called "Ombudsgremium") under the leadership of professor in law, Prof. Dr. Stephan Rixen. Every other year, the national office organizes a conference for the more than 700 local science ombuds (called "Ombudspersonen") at all research institutions in Germany.
Helga Nolte, Ombuds Office at the University of Hamburg (Ombudsstelle der Universität Hamburg). Mrs. Nolte leads the ombuds office of the University of Hamburg which serves the University Ombuds Committee under the leadership of professor in economics, Prof. Dr. Miriam Beblo. Furthermore, she is mediator and coach, and teacher for PhD-workshops of Research Integrity.
If you have questions, contact Johan F. Storm, email j.f.storm@medisin.uio.no
Akademisk forum (tidligere Professorforeningen ved UiO) er en fagpolitisk forening i Forskerforbundet.
Styret i Akademisk forum: Johan F. Storm (leder), Mads Andenæs, Bjørnar Hassel, Dag Olav Hessen, Simen Gaure, Kaare M Gautvik, Mariel Cristina Støen, Einar Uggerud, Øyvind Østerud, Anne Carine Østvold, Nina Witoszek