
Working in Norway - Know your rights!

Are you a PhD or postdoctoral fellow and wonder what rights you have? Sign up for this webinar!

  • Dato:

    11. mai 2022

  • Tidspunkt:

    09:00 - 12:00

  • Sted:

    Zoom, WEBINAR

  • Påmeldingsfrist:

    09. mai 2022

  • Antall plasser:


We will give a brief introduction to the terms and conditions of employment as PhD and postdoc, and give you some tips to improve your salary.

The webinar is open to registered members in PhD and postdoctoral positions at governmental institutions.

Not a member yet? Sign up here.

09.00–09.20   Who are we and what can we do for you?

09.20–09.45  Terms and conditions of employment as PhD and postdoc

  *   Rights and duties

09.45–10.00   Digital coffee break

10.00–10.35  Terms and conditions of employment as PhD and postdoc

  *   Prolongation
  *   Precarious work and 3 years rule
  *   Q/A

10.35–10.45   Digital coffee break

10.45–11.30   Salaries and how to raise them

  *   Wage negotiations in Norway – state sector and beyond
  *   Increasing your salary?
  *   Q/A

11.30–12.00  Digital break-out rooms – meet your local union representative

  *   This is us and how we work
  *   News
  *   Book an appointment for a chat