
Working in Norway - Know your rights!

Are you a PhD or postdoctoral fellow and wonder what rights you have? Sign up for this webinar!

  • Dato:

    07. februar 2023

  • Tidspunkt:

    09:00 - 12:00

  • Sted:

    Zoom, WEBINAR

  • Påmeldingsfrist:

    05. februar 2023

  • Antall plasser:


We will give a brief introduction to the terms and conditions of employment as PhD and postdoc, and give you some tips to improve your salary.

Not a member yet? Sign up here

Are you not a member yet but wanting to join the webinar? Please send an email to:

09.00–09.30   Unions in Norway 
(by Gisle Fuhr)

09.30–09.45 Terms and conditions of employment as PhD and postdoc 
(by Jon Iddeng)
  *   Rights and duties 

09.45–10.00   Digital coffee break

10.00–10.30   Terms and conditions of employment as PhD and postdoc
 (by Jon Iddeng)
  *   Prolongation
  *   Precarious work and 3 years rule
  *   Q/A

10.30–10.45   Digital coffee break

10.45–11.30   Salaries and how to raise them
(by Andreas Christensen)
  *   Wage negotiations in Norway – state sector and beyond
  *   Increasing your salary?
  *   Q/A

11.30–12.00  Digital break-out rooms – meet your local union representative
  *   This is us and how we work
  *   News
  *   Book an appointment for a chat