Working in Norway - Know your rights! April 9th

Dato: 09. april 2021
Tidspunkt: 09:00 - 11:00
Sted: Zoom, WEBINAR
Påmeldingsfrist: 08. april 2021
Antall plasser: 100

Are you a PhD, postdoctoral fellow or researcher working at a university hospital and wonder what rights you have? Sign up for this webinar!

We will give a brief introduction to the terms and conditions of employment as PhD, postdoc, and researcher, and give you some tips on how to improve your salary.

The webinar is free and open to all registered members in PhD, postdoctoral and researcher positions at university hospitals


09.00–09.30 Working in Norway, the role of the unions and what Forskerforbundet can do for you

09.30–10.00 Terms and conditions of employment as PhD, postdoc and researcher

10.00–10.15 Digital coffee break

10.15–11.00   Working conditions, rights and duties – prolongation and temporary/permanent position