In solidarity with American teachers and researchers

We express full support and solidarity with our colleagues in American research and higher education institutions in their fight against Trump’s anti-knowledge policies.

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The Norwegian Association of Researchers (NAR) wish to express full support and solidarity with our colleagues in American research and education institutions in their fight against President Trump’s anti-knowledge policies. We are deeply concerned over the dramatic developments in the USA, in which institutions, science and education are subject to massive cuts, where high quality public education is threatened and academic freedom and professional autonomy is under severe political and ideological attacks.

To instruct the federal research council’s review of all research projects, to ensure they do not violate any of Trump’s new executive orders, is a powerful and frontal attack on academic freedom. This coincides with overnight freeze in funding of institutions conducting critical research. 

NAR strongly opposes all attempts to stifle academic freedom. Academic freedom is a fundamental prerequisite for all research, and public trust in knowledge depends on institutions being professionally independent and open to debate, criticism, and expression of opinions. Hence the Trump administration’s attacks on free research pose a significant threat to American democracy.

Academic trade unions and associations need to be at the forefront of defending and promoting the freedom to teach, to learn, to conduct research, and to speak out on issues of the day. The Norwegian Association of Researchers stand in full solidarity with AFT, AAUP, NEA and the students of the United States.

This statement has been sent to AFT – American Federation of Teachers, NEA – National Education Association, and AAUP – American Association of University Professors.