Europaparlamentet har utarbeidet en egen rapport om ulike måter å måle og monitorere utviklingen av akademisk frihet:

Akademisk frihet er der illustrert som en «løk», med en kjerne knyttet til individuelle friheter og lag på lag av andre verdier som man i større eller mindre grad kan sikre og lovfeste.


Knyttet til denne modellen beskrives akademisk frihet slik:

Academic freedom consists of several elements summarised in the 'onion' model. The model distinguishes between essential elements (orange) and supporting elements (safeguards, blue). The essential elements form the core of academic freedom. A violation of these elements leads to a direct violation of academic freedom. The essential elements include freedom of teaching and freedom of research, and, in the broad sense, freedom of learning. The freedom of dissemination is often regarded as part of the freedom of teaching and research, but is treated as a separate essential element. Many believe that these freedoms can only be exercised if members of the academic community have a meaningful say in decisions affecting the conditions of teaching and research. Therefore the right of self-governance (which is not the same as institutional autonomy) is often also seen as an essential element.


(European Union 2023: How academic freedom is monitored: Overview of methods and procedures, s. IV)